About Us
I am Saraswati Chandra. I did Bachelor Of Technology in Civil Engineering from Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla. I am Assistant Professor in Civil Engineering Department at Sityog Institute Of Technology, Aurangabad, Bihar which is affiliated from Aryabhatta Knowledge University, Patna.
I have created many websites and blogs to provide various articles on trending subjects to the internet surfers.
My vision behind creating all these things is to make technical knowledge available on the go.
My mission behind these creations is to make our surroundings technically stronger and safer by spreading the knowledge of technical subjects.
I made just a start and it's your responsibility now to empower this start and make me successful by providing me your valuable suggestions so that I improve all these platforms according to the need of your requirements.
I am trying to provide a short list of some creations done by me:
- www.sityog.edu.in : By visiting this website a user may get full information of Sityog Institute Of Technology, Aurangabad, Bihar and not only that while the students of Engineering having trades Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Computer Science Engineering and Electronics & Communication Engineering as well as students of Bachelor Of Computer Applications and Bachelor of Business Administration can get many study materials provided there for the students of such institution.
- sitaurangabad.blogspot.com : By visiting this website a user may get full information of Sityog Institute Of Technology, Aurangabad, Bihar and not only that while the students of Engineering having trades Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Computer Science Engineering and Electronics & Communication Engineering as well as students of Bachelor Of Computer Applications and Bachelor of Business Administration can get many study materials provided there for the students of such institution.
- madeeasycivil.blogspot.com: By visiting this blog the students pursuing Diploma, Bachelor Of Technology, Masters Of Technology or any other course in Civil Engineering Trade can avail Class Notes, Books, Minor Projects, Major Projects, Question Banks of various universities, Hand Notes, Ebooks, Laboratory Manuals, Softwares and it's tutorials, Syllabus of various universities, Syllabus, Question Bank and Study Materials of vaious Competitive Examinations and approx. all types of things needed by them for proper study.
- bharatmerabharat.blogspot.com : I made this blog to present the status of India in various aspects by analyzing it from various available sources. I also made this to present the analysis of various on going incidents.
- nextyuga.blogspot.com : This blog consists of various tips and tricks of social networking sites , pc/ laptop, internet and many other subjects. I wrote this blog to make you aware of various technical aspects so that no one can reveal your secure data and your privacy issues.
- xpressways.blogspot.com : I made this website to write article of various experts on many subjects like Vastu Shashtra, Feng Sui, Medical, Technology and many more.
I have some other blogs as well as websites also but blogs and websites explained above are the some of the favorite blogs and websites created by me.
Now, I just want to tell you that just be in touch with me and provide me your valuable feedback so that I could customize the platforms according to your thinking.
Thanks & Regards
Er. Saraswati Chandra
About Us
Reviewed by Saraswati Chandra
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